Sunday, October 4, 2015

Breast Cancer Awareness Month/ Lung Cancer Awareness

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Although I have not been able to do much crocheting in the past couple of weeks, my sister has been quite busy.  I saw her today at Sunday dinner and she showed me these wonderful hats she is making for her co-workers.

She also made a purple hat for a co-worker whose mother has lung cancer.  The ribbon on this hat is white with a set of pearls on one end.  Lung Cancer Awareness Month is in November.

Love them.  She just needs to sew the ribbons on.  Both of us do not mind sewing clothes or curtains. However, we do not like to sew our crocheted items.  You can tell we are sisters.

Òktob çé mwa pou aprenn pou kansè de sîn-layé. Ça fé dé smènn mo pa kroshé.  Mé, mô sœr, li çé bizé avèk louvraj-yé de kroshé.  Li té montré mò vayan shapo-çalayé pou fenm-yé ki travay avèk li.

Li té fé un shapo vyolèt avèk un riban blan.  Riban-la, li gin perl-yé sî un bout. Shapo-çila, li té fé pou un femn ki maam gin kansè de pwatrìnn-layé.  Mwa-la pou aprenn pou  kansè de pwatrìnn-layé çé Novem.

Linm ça!!! Li bezwin pou koud riban-layé. To ka konné nouzòt çé sœr-yé akòz nonpli li ni mo linm pou koud kan nou kroshé.  Kan-mèmm, nou sé koud linj-yé ou rido-yé é pa fé trin.

Aprenn kréyol Lalwizyan (Learn Louisiana Creole)

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Frogging This

I crocheted two houndstooth scarves so far.  I like the black/white and the brown/beige scarves. I started another one, but I don't like it. Two reasons: I used a different brand of yarn and both colors are dark. The gray is so dark that the pattern cannot be seen.  It looks not so good in this picture and in person, it is worse - a hot mess.  So, I'm frogging it.  I guess I'll try a lighter gray. Hmmm, what to do with the dark gray yarn? Make a hat, of course.  I think the dark gray will make a nice cable or basketweave hat for a man.

Démonté ça isit

Mo té fini dé ésharp kroshé den-shin. Mo linm ésharp nwa/blan-la é ésharp brun/béj-la. Mo té komensé un lòt, mé mo linm pa ça.  Dé rézon: Mo té sèrvi un difil diféran épi tou lé dé koulær çé fonsé.  Gris-la çé tro fonsé pou wa patron-la. Ésharp bordo/gris dan pòrtré semb lèd a mò. Mé vrémen, si vouzòt té isi, vou sé wa ésharp-çála çé sakré fraka.  Insi, m'apé démonté ça. Mo devinn m'alé séyé un gris pli klær pou ésharp. Ebin, kwa fé ak difil gris fonsé? Fé un shapo, byin sûr. Mo pens m'alé fé un shapo pou un nonm avèk ça - pitèt un shapo ak dê pwen kròsh (tordé) ou un shapo ki semb un mann. (Aprenn kréyol Lalwizyan. Learn Louisiana Creole.)

Sunday, August 30, 2015

On the Lookout

People have requested this hat more than any others I have crocheted. This is the only multi-color one I crocheted.  It is brown, purple, and beige.  I kept it for myself, but I rarely wear it. Although I LOVE to crochet hats, hats and me - I don't know.

I made this hat in terracotta for one of my best friends, but she lost it while on vacation.  She has been asking me to make another one ever since. I would have done it already because I love her dearly.  However, there is one problem. The yarn I would use to make this hat was discontinued. Boo!

Therefore, Labor Day weekend, I will go out looking for a suitable replacement yarn.  I hope it comes out nicely.  It will be nice to surprise her for Christmas. The pattern is Lion Brand Suede Cap.

Shærshé (kréyol Lalwizyan)

Moun-yé envi mò pou kroshé shapo-çila pli'k lézòt mo té fé.  Ça isit çé sèl unn mo té kroshé avèk trò koulær-yé.  Çé brun, vyolèt, é béj,  Mo té chin ça  pou momèmm mé mo pòrt pa ça  un ta. Mo LINM kroshé shapo-yé mé shapo-yé é mò - mo pa konné.

Mo té fé un shapo dan koulær tèr pou mô zami.  Li té perdí ça. Li toujou mand mò pou fé li un nòt. Mo té sé fé ça déja akòz mo jolimen linm li.  Mé yé fé pa enkò difil-la.

Ça fé, m'alé shærshé un lòt kalité difil-la finlasmènn ki vyin. Mo swèt nouvo difil fé un bon louvraj o kroshé.  Ç'alé dèt vayan pou étoné li pou Krismis.  Patron-la çé Lion Brand Suede Cap. (Aprenn kréyol Lalwizyan - Learn Louisiana Creole)

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Hounds Tooth Scarf for Christmas

I am almost done with the hounds tooth scarf.  I just need to sew it together since it will be an infinity scarf.  I really liked this pattern because it is a classic design and it works up quickly.  It has been a while since I crocheted for my sisters-in-law for Christmas, so I think this is the pattern I will use.  I will make them in brown and beige, and burgundy and pink.  I think I will make one for myself in burgundy and gray.  If I have time, I might make matching hats.  The hats, I think will be mostly solid with just a bit of the hounds tooth pattern.  I got this pattern from Elk Studio.

Den-shin ésharp pou Krismis (kréyol Lalwizyan)
Mo prosh fini avèk ésharp den-shin-çila.  Mo jish bezwin pou koud o bout dipi çé un ésharp san bout.  Mo byin linmé patron paske çé shik é ça gin mòd.  É, louvraj o kroshé té vit, vit. Ça fé un bou'd tem mo pa fé kroshé pou mô bèl-sœr-yé pou Krismis. Mo pens m'alé sèrvi patron-çila.  M'alé fé ça dan brun fonsé é béj, épi bordo é ròz.  Mo pens m'alé fé un bordo é gris pou momèmm.  Si mo gin tem, mo pé fé shapo-yé pou jwenn avèk ésharp-layé.  Shapo-layé sé dèt unn koulær avèk un ti patron den-shin. Patron-çila çé par Elk Studio. (Aprenn kréyol Lalwizyan - Learn Louisiana Creole)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Kroshé é kréyol

So, I have not been able to do as much crocheting these past couple of years.  I had an injury to my arm which made crocheting (writing, typing, and just about everything) difficult.  My doctor said stop using your left arm… but I’m left handed. It was hard, but I followed his directions as much as possible. After learning to use my right hand for the mundane things we all take for granted, and some therapy, my arm is usable again. My first project here reflects what I was doing with my crochet time. 

I started to seriously research my family history.  My genealogy efforts led me to find people who teach Louisiana Creole. So, I began to learn/relearn Louisiana Creole.  I grew up hearing Louisiana Creole and Louisiana French spoken in our home and from some of our Chicago neighbors, but for reasons similar to those of many other Louisiana Creoles from Louisiana, from around the country, and from around the world, I was not encouraged to speak the language(s). Therefore, I learned very little as a young person. Now, though, I am learning lots and lots. In any case, when my physical therapist told me I can begin to slowly use my hand again, this was one of the first projects that came to mind. I guess you can say I have Creole on the brain… and I like it.

This hat says, Mo çé Kréyol – I am Creole. The colors are the colors of the Louisiana Creole Flag.  I made it with my niece in mind, but it is more of a statement piece. This particular pattern is not mine, but I put my own spin to it. (The pattern is Kool Rock Ski from Afya Ibomu.)

I think I may need to rename this blog Kroshé é kréyol – Crochet and Creole.  LOL

And the sad news, one of my wonderful dogs, Chaos (the one on the right in the picture), died since I last wrote here. We miss him tremendously.  Trouble, always my constant companion, is still with us. Golden doodles are the best dogs, truly.

Ça fé dé ou trò nan mo té pa kapab pou kroshé kom avan. Mo té fé dî mal mô brá gosh. Alòr çé té dir, dir, dir pou kroshé, ekri, é toukishòj.  Mô doktè, li té dí mò pou arété sèrvi mo bra gosh…mé mo lamin gosh. Çé té dir, mé mo swiví ça’k li té dí mò.  Apré aprenn pou servi mó lamin dròt é kèk trètmon pou tournyé ça, mo ka sèrvi mo brá enkò. Mô prémiyé shapo isi mònt kwa mo t’apé fé avèk mô tem kroshé.

Mo komensé pou trouvé mô listwá famiy.  Mô louvraj jiniòloji édé mò pou trouvé moun-yé ki mont kréyòl Lalwizyan.  Alòr, mo té komensé pou aprenn/aprenn bæk kréyol Lalwizyan.  Mo té éné dan Lalwizyan é mo tandé kréyol Lalwizyan é françé Lalwizyan dan nô lamézon é avèk kèk vwazin Shikagó-yé.  Pou rézon-yé mèmm kom moun Kréyol Lalwizyan tou partou, plin nou té pa donné kouraj pou parlé langaj-layé.  Mé astœr, mé astœr, m’apé aprenn un ta un ta.  Entouka, kan mô doktè té dí Mò pou sèrvi mô lamin enkò, ça isit té viní prémiyé dan mô latèt. Mo devinn to ka di mo gin kréyol dan/si gòl é mo linm ça!

Shapo-çila di Mo çé Kréyol! Koulær-yé mèmm kom koulær si Drapo Kréyol Lalwizyan.  Ça isit patron çé pa mokin, mé mo mèt mokin shanjé-yé. (Ça isit çé Kool Rock Ski par Afya Ibomu.)

Mo pens mo pé tournyé nom-la de mô blog a Kroshé é kréyòl. Kkkk

Mo tris pou di unn mo vayan shin, Folí (Chaos), té mourí dépi mo té ekri isit.  Nouzòt byin manké li. Traka (Trouble), toujou avèk mò, çé isit enkò.   Shin-yé mélanje avèk Shærshœr doré/tá gran kanish, yé byin vayan, vrémen! (Aprenn kréyol Lalwizyan - Learn Louisiana Creole)