Sunday, September 13, 2015

Frogging This

I crocheted two houndstooth scarves so far.  I like the black/white and the brown/beige scarves. I started another one, but I don't like it. Two reasons: I used a different brand of yarn and both colors are dark. The gray is so dark that the pattern cannot be seen.  It looks not so good in this picture and in person, it is worse - a hot mess.  So, I'm frogging it.  I guess I'll try a lighter gray. Hmmm, what to do with the dark gray yarn? Make a hat, of course.  I think the dark gray will make a nice cable or basketweave hat for a man.

Démonté ça isit

Mo té fini dé ésharp kroshé den-shin. Mo linm ésharp nwa/blan-la é ésharp brun/béj-la. Mo té komensé un lòt, mé mo linm pa ça.  Dé rézon: Mo té sèrvi un difil diféran épi tou lé dé koulær çé fonsé.  Gris-la çé tro fonsé pou wa patron-la. Ésharp bordo/gris dan pòrtré semb lèd a mò. Mé vrémen, si vouzòt té isi, vou sé wa ésharp-çála çé sakré fraka.  Insi, m'apé démonté ça. Mo devinn m'alé séyé un gris pli klær pou ésharp. Ebin, kwa fé ak difil gris fonsé? Fé un shapo, byin sûr. Mo pens m'alé fé un shapo pou un nonm avèk ça - pitèt un shapo ak dê pwen kròsh (tordé) ou un shapo ki semb un mann. (Aprenn kréyol Lalwizyan. Learn Louisiana Creole.)